Saint Sepia Asylum is a single player, text based (narrative driven), choose your own adventure, horror game. The player wakes up in an unfamiliar location with no memory of who they or how they got there. How their story unfolds is up to them. The game is based in...
Målet med spelet: Målet med spelet är att genom att ta hänsyn till och planera runt dina kollegor och sluta med flest poäng (och därmed vara mest omtyckt av eleverna) efter 3 rundor. Resurser: I spelet finns 4 olika typer av resurser: Presentationsbrickor: Dessa...
Overwatch: The Board Game In Overwatch – the board game, players will take control of a team of heroes and try to defeat the other players team in a round of Payload. RULE BOOK WIN CONDITIONS The goal of the game is for the attacking team to get the Payload to...
This is a 3-4 player card game where all players are working against each other to be the last one standing. By using the three standard cards, one MEGA card and 5 health – the players has to choose each round if they want to defend, heal, attack or use a MEGA...
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