Viktor Jönsson Contact me here welcome to my little space on the web. I am an aspiring game designer who specilice on easy to learn but hard to master smaller games. So far I have mostly worked analogy, doing games digitally are the next challenge. Earlier Projekts...
Feel free to check out my ColourMixes by clicking on the picture below Pixel Desings If you click the picture below you will open another window to all my pixel designs that has been used in different games, or just created for fun. This is what I enjoy the most,...
GABRIEL HECTOR Click the picture above to be redirected to my tumblr where i showcase all of my 3D-models created in Autodesk Maya. PLANNING DEADLINE 11/11 – 1918 BERMUDA HEADLINES SANTA AND JESUS TAG TEAMS CHRISTMAS TURIST OVERWATCH – THE BOARDGAME...
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